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( larri)

  • 1 larri

    [from lar (excess) + i] iz.
    1. ( larritasuna) anguish, anxiety, distress consternation; zuzendari ikusi beharrak ematen zion \larria having to see the director distressed him; \larri bizian zegoen he was in great anguish; oi nire \larria! oh what anguish
    a. \larriak [ izen plurala ] beldurrak eta \larriak fears and anxieties
    b. xehe eta \larriak the great and the small
    c. \larriak bota to throw up
    3. fragment, chunk; harri \larri bat a {piece || chunk} of stone
    4. \larrian saldu to wholesale io.
    a. ( handia, handigaitza) great, immense; kezka \larriak sortu ditu it's caused great concern; gizon \larri bat a huge man ; haurrak eta jende \larria children and grownup people
    b. ( letra) capital, big; letra \larriak eta xeheak capital and small letters ; letra \larriz idatzita printed out | written in block letters
    c. ( bekatua, hobena) mortal
    d. ( gatza, e.a.) coarse
    e. ( errua, hutsa) serious, grave
    f. ( haurdun) \larri dago she's about due
    a. critical, grave, acute, momentous; gertakaririk \larriena the most critical event; une \larrietan in critical moments; heriotzako ordu \larrian at the momentous hour of death; euskararen egoera \larria the critical situation of Basque
    b. ( garrantzi handikoa) considerable, great; kalte \larriak egin zituen it caused {considerable || great || tremendous} damage; kalte \larriak egin zituen it caused {considerable || great || tremendous} damage; bada beste arrisku are \larriagorik there's another even greater risk
    3. ( estua, kezka bizia sortzen duena)
    a. hard, tough, difficult; biziera \larri hard life
    b. distressed, grieved, troubled, perturbed; izerdi \larri nervous sweat
    c. ( ezinegon) anxious, restless
    d. ( beldurti) fearful, alarmed
    a. ( latza) rough; zolu \larri rough floor
    b. ( gogorra) tough, hard; hitz \larriz manatuko duzu you'll keep him in his place by talking tough
    5. ( harroa) smug, proud
    6. ( esa.) \larriak bota to throw up, barf Argot. adb.
    1. anxiously; semeaz \larri dago he's distressed over his son; zer gertatu zaizu horren \larri egoteko what's happened to you for you to be so distressed?; \larri(rik) nago nola egingo dudan I'm anguishing over how I'm going to do it; zorrez josita, \larri zebilen burdened by debt, he was {distressed || anxious}; nire bihotz triste eta \larri dago my heart is sorrowful and troubled; \larri eta ito beharrean egon to be absolutely fed up | to be sick and tired of it
    2. Aita \larri dago, ez du luzaroan iraungo Father is seriously ill, he won't last long
    3. (esa.) \larri ibili I bet (s)he does; j asoko ote du Perurenak harri hori? — ba, baietz esango nuke, oraingoan \larri ibili! will Perurena be able to lift that stone? — well, I'd say he will, I bet he does this time!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > larri

  • 2 larri

    adj Ал.

    БИРС > larri

  • 3 larri

    adj Ал.
    слабый, малосильный, бессильный

    Universal diccionario español-ruso > larri

  • 4 larri

    angustioso, grave

    Glosario Euskera Español > larri

  • 5 larrí

    grave, abultado, de importancia,/ apuro,/ congoja, tristeza,/ vómito,/ fragmento o trozo de tamaño regular,/ preñez de mujer

    Glosario Euskera Español > larrí

  • 6 istripu larri

    крупная авария

    Euskal-errusiar hiztegi > istripu larri

  • 7 bekatu larri

    pecado mortal

    Glosario Euskera Español > bekatu larri

  • 8 letra larri

    capital letter

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > letra larri

  • 9 взволнованно


    Русско-баскский словарь > взволнованно

  • 10 estu

    1. Med. congestion; bular \estu tightness in the chest | difficulty in breathing; sudur(retako) \estu nasal congestion
    2. tight spot, difficulty, predicament; \estuan aurkitu ziren they found themselves in a tight spot
    3. Lagunart. urge; kaka \estu da he's feels like crapping
    4. \estuak fully-fashioned stockings io.
    1. ( ez zabala) narrow; onera bidea \estu izaten da the road to righteousness is usually narrow
    a. ( ez lasaia) uneasy, apprehensive, distressed; \estu eta larri dago she's all bothered and nervous | she's a nervous wreck; \estu dago he's in a {tight spot || jam || bind}
    b. ( arnasa) difficult; arnasa \estua dauka aitonak grandpa's having difficulty breathing
    a. dense, compact, solid
    b. ( idazkera) cramped
    c. ( programa) tight
    d. ( bete-bete) full, packed, crammed
    e. ( ehuna, sarea) tightly-woven
    4. ( bizimodua) impoverished, indigent, poverty-stricken
    a. ( soinekoa, arropa, jantzia, e.a.) tight; gerri \estua a tight belt
    b. ( korapiloa) tight
    6. ( egoera) tense
    7. ( larria) urgent
    a. ( eginbeharrei d.) strict, stern; irakasle hori \estuegia dela uste dut I think that teacher is too strict
    b. ( araua) rigorous, harsh, strict
    c. ( neurri) strict; \estu estuak hartu behar dira strict measures must be taken
    d. ( debeku) strict, absolute
    a. ( adiskidetasuna, e.a.) strong, close; elkarrekin dituzten harreman \estuak the close relationship they have
    c. ( besarkada) big adb.
    1. tight, tightly; \estu {eho || bilbatu} to weave tightly; ezpatari \estu heldu to hold on tightly to one's sword
    2. ( seriotasunez) harshly, seriously; \estu agindu nien horrelakorik ez egiteko I ordered them in no uncertain terms not to do such a thing
    a. ( bizi izan) in distress, in anguish, apprehensively; nora zoaz, gizona, horren \estu? where are you going, my good fellow, in such distress
    b. ( kezkaturik) uptight; \estu egongo gara haien berriak jakin arte we'll be uptight until we hear from them
    c. hard up; \estu nabil familiari behar duena emateko I'm hard put to give my family what they need; \estu eta larri ari ziren haren haserrea lasaitzeko they were hard put to calm her temper down
    4. e-r \estu hartu to take sth to heart
    5. \estu erabili to hound, persue relentlessly du/ad.
    1. to tighten
    2. ( lotu) to tie ( -z: with) da/ad. to grow anguished, become uptight

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estu

  • 11 xehe

    a. ( zatikia) bit, piece; errautsak \xehe-\xehetan zeuden the ashes were ground up
    b. \xehean saldu to retail
    2. ( kanbioak) small change; bost euroko billetea eman zion eta andre horrek bihurtu zion \xehea he gave her a five euro note and that woman give him back the change
    3. ( xehetasuna) detail; emakumeak dena kondatu zion apezari \xeheren \xehe the woman told the priest everything down to the last detail | the woman gave the priest a blow by blow account of everything; ez dugu \xehe eta argi ezagutzen Da Vinciren bizia we do not know all the minor details of Da Vinci\rquote s life io.
    a. small, little; batzuentzat oro larri, besteentzat oro \xehe it is all grand for some and petty for others; \xehe eta larri great and small
    b. ( zenbakia, gastua, kopurua) small, low; gastu \xeheak bere gain dira small expenses are being borne by him
    c. ( letra) small
    2. ( motza) short, brief; otoitz \xehe bat a short prayer
    3. ( p.)
    a. short
    b. (irud.) ( apal, ez handiki) humble, little; gure alderdia jende \xeheez arduratzen da our party is concerned with the little people; \xehe eta larri great and humble; herri \xehea little nation
    c. ( urte gutxikoa) small, little; haur \xeheak {little || small\} children
    d. ( abegikor, jator) congenial, sociable, nice, affable; jaun hori \xehea da, nornahi mintza dakioke that gentleman is congenial and able to talk to anybody
    4. plain, simple; instrukzio \xeheak simple instructions
    5. Mil. low-ranking; soldadu \xehe buck private adb. in detail; \xehe-\xehe erraidazu zer gertatu den tell me in the fullest detail what\rquote s happened

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > xehe

  • 12 abere

    [from Rom. "aver(e)",from Lat. "habere"] iz.
    a. ( ugaztun nagusia, piztia ez dena) animal, domestic animal, livestock; \abere beltz pig livestock; \abere gaizto wild cattle; \abere larri eta xehea cattle and sheep; \abereak ostu to rustle; gizonak \abere barik ezin da bizi ; \abereak, ostera, ederki ibil litezke man cannot live without livestock but they can get along just fine on their own
    b. ( animalia) animal
    c. itsas \abere cetecean
    2. (irud.) brute; guztiz \aberea zen bere anaia hura that brother of his was a brute

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > abere

  • 13 ale

    a. grain; \alea eman to run to seed; \alea ekarri to bear fruit; \ale larri coarse grain; \ale xehe fine grain; \alea jasotzeko makina grain elevator
    b. ( masusta, marrubi, e.a.) berry
    c. ( kafeari d.) bean
    d. ( sagarra, etab.) fruit; sagar \ale batzuk eraman zituzten they took a few apples
    e. ( baratxuriari d.) clove
    a. ( hondarra) grain
    b. ( arrosarioari d.) bead
    c. gatz-\alea grain of salt
    a. ( liburuari d.) volume; 200.000 \aleko argitaldia printing of 200,000 copies
    b. ( aldizkariari d.) issue, copy
    a. ( ezer ere ez) \alerik ez du he hasn' t got a thing | he hasn' t got a penny to his name
    b. ( inor ere ez, inor gutxi) \alerik ere ez dago there isn' t a soul; lau \ale besterik ez ziren there were only a handful of them
    a. ( elementua, p.) character; \ale ederra da zure osaba your uncle is quite a character
    b. ( itzela, handi-handia) huge; hura gizon \alea! what a huge man!
    6. Argot. egundoko \alea harrapatu zian he got plastered

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ale

  • 14 arazo

    a. problem; zergatik dago hainbeste \arazo jende horrekin? where are there so many problems with those people?
    b. ( auzia) question; \arazo gorri thorny question; \arazo larri \\ korapilotsu serious \\ complicated question
    a. ( afera) business, affair; diru \arazoez arduratzen da he manages monetary affairs
    b. (Pol.) affair; Barne A\arazoetarako Ministro Ministry of the Interior; Kanpo A\arazoetarako Ministro Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Euskara A\arazoetarako Zuzendari Director of Basque Language Affairs
    3. ( kezka) worry, concern, preoccupation
    4. ( eragozpen) obstacle, hindrance, impediment, barrier; hori lortzeko \arazo bat da it is an obstacle to achieving that
    b. hassle
    5. ( nahasmen) \arazoan ibili to be confused
    6. Arkaismoa. ( iskanbila) uproar; \arazo bat sortu zuen it caused an uproar

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arazo

  • 15 artega

    adb. (B)
    1. ( egonezina) restless, anxious
    2. ( larri, urduri) nervous, upset, disturbed; estu eta \artega naukate they' ve got me all hot and bothered

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > artega

  • 16 aski

    zenb. [ zehaztugabe ]
    1. ( iz., izen sintagma aurrean, baina il. ondoan)
    a. ( izen + io.) quite; \aski etxe handia quite a large house; \aski eragozpen larri quite formidable obstacles; aldakuntza gorri \askiak quite severe changes
    b. ( + iz. galderetan) enough; ba al duzu \aski diru? have you got enough money?
    c. ( + iz., baiezkoan) plenty of, quite a lot of; \aski jende etorri zen quite a few people came
    2. ( + io., il., edo adizlagunen aurrean) quite, rather; \aski ona da jateko it is very good to eat; Euskal Herritik \aski urruti nabil aspaldian I' ve been quite a long way from the Basque County lately; munduaren egoera \aski gogoan eduki gabe without bearing very much in mind the world situation
    3. ( aditz batekin) quite a lot; arlo horretan \aski aurreratu dugu we have make quite a bit of headway in that field
    a. enough; \aski baino gehiago more than enough; \aski eta gehiegi more than enough | quite a lot
    b. segur \aski surely; maiz \aski quite often
    iz. Landr. dog's grass, couch grass, grama grass

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aski

  • 17 ateka

    1. small door
    2. ( kinka larri) situation, moment; altzairugintza \ateka txarrean dago the steel industry is in a bad {situation || way}

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ateka

  • 18 azienda

    a. Nekaz. domestic animal
    b. ( behiak) cattle
    2. ( oro.) livestock; \azienda beltz i. pigs ii. mountain horses; \azienda gorri cattle; \azienda larri large livestock; \azienda xehe small livestock; \azienda zuri sheep

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > azienda

  • 19 bahe

    [from *bane from Rom. "van" from Lat. "vannus"] iz. sifter, sieve; \bahe larri coarse sieve; \bahe xehe fine sieve

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bahe

  • 20 bekatu

    [from Lat. "peccatu"] iz.
    1. Kristau. sin; \bekatu buruak mortal sins; \bekatu arin venial sin; \bekatu larri {deadly || mortal} sin; heriozko \bekatu deadly sin; jatorrizko \bekatu original sin
    2. (akats) apparent fault; hain merke saltzeko, \bekaturen bat dauka kotxe horrek nonbait that car must have something wrong with it somewhere for it to be selling so cheap; horra hor, ba, zein zen plater honen \bekatua here's the problem with the dish

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bekatu

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